Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche chemistry, math, biology, biochemistry, molecular, biology 10021 New York, Educated, experienced, and motivated tutor: -Bachelors and Doctoral degrees in Molecular Biology (u, : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in chemistry, math, biology, biochemistry, molecular, biology

ID 8487
10021 New York
chemistry, math, biology, biochemistry, molecular, biology
Educated, experienced, and motivated tutor: -Bachelors and Doctoral degrees in Molecular Biology (undergraduate minors in chemistry/math/physics). -Experienced teacher, having taught molecular biology to undergraduate classes. -Experienced tutor, with clients from middle school through undergraduate, in subjects ranging from biology to algebra to advanced organic chemistry.
Middle schoolers through undergraduate college
I am currently a postdoctoral Research Fellow at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, with the long-term goal of obtaining a tenure track position at a university that values teaching. My areas of expertise, enthusiasm for teaching, and flexible schedule seem perfectly suited to your expressed needs. Before going to graduate school, I tutored undergraduate algebra courses. As part of my graduate school experience, I taught several molecular biology courses to undergraduates. In the past couple of years (since moving to NYC), I have been an active participant in the Cornell Science Challenge, an outreach education program that pairs professional researchers with 7th grade science classes. I am now looking to find a more structured tutoring opportunity. If mutually agreeable, I would be available to tutor throughout the academic year.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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