Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, English Literature, English Language, Biology PL20 7PW, GCSEs (2006): Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, History, Chemistry, Biology, Physic, 7PW : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe 7PW

Suche: 7PW  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe 7PW

Nachhilfe in Mathematics, English Literature, English Language, Biology

ID 17149
aus PL20 7PW
Mathematics, English Literature, English Language, Biology
GCSEs (2006): Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, History, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, French and Art at A*, Graphic Design at A AS Levels (2007): Biology, Chemistry, History and General Studies at A A2 Levels (2008): Mathematics A, Further Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, History and General Studies pending
GCSE, A-Level
I am a very enthusiastic and approachable tutor. Having taken both GCSE and A-Level exams very recently, I am extremely familiar with the syllabus, and using exam technique. I have had experience tutoring pupils for GCSE English Literature and Language before, and I am very patient. I'm not afraid to tailor my approach to each individual, and students are often more willing to ask someone nearer their own peer group for help than a more intimidating adult. I am able to tutor pupils in GCSE Maths, English Literature and Language, and Biology, as well as AS Level Maths.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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