Mastodon Nachhilfe Maths, Computer Science, Science, Physics, English, Hindi 6102 Bentley, 2005-Year10(Central Board Of Secondary Education,India) secured 92.6% marks HSC (Central Board of , Bentley Business, Business Nachhilfe in Bentley : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Business Bentley

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Suche: Business in Bentley  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Bentley

Nachhilfe Maths, Computer Science, Science, Physic... Maths(advanced),Computer Science(advanced),Science(grades1-10),Physics(Sec...

ID 30242
aus 6102 Bentley
Maths, Computer Science, Science, Physics, English, Hindi
2005-Year10(Central Board Of Secondary Education,India) secured 92.6% marks HSC (Central Board of Secondary Education,India) secured 84% marks Present - Bachelor Of Engineering(Software) secured 79% marks in the last semester
Maths(advanced),Computer Science(advanced),Science(grades1-10),Physics(Secondary),English(Secondary),Hindi(advanced)
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I have a very keen interest in teaching. I have the experience of teaching Maths for about an year to Year 10 students and helped them in achieving grades much above their expectations. I have absolutely clear concepts of all the topics. I try to fathom the present understanding of the student of a subject and teach him according to how he would understand the topic best. I will also take regular tests to test the understanding of the student and make him familiar with the previous papers. I am very patient with the student and would make sure he understands the concepts clearly before we go any furthur.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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