Mastodon Nachhilfe french 3000 Melbourne, Fully qualified teacher in France., Melbourne Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement Nachhilfe in Melbourne : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Projektmanagement Melbourne

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Suche: Projektmanagement in Melbourne  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Melbourne

Nachhilfe french Complete beginners to higher levels

ID 31059
aus 3000 Melbourne
Fully qualified teacher in France.
Complete beginners to higher levels
Hi! I am 26 years old native French speaker. I use to be a teacher at highschool in France and in a french pre-school in Camberwell ( Les petits parisiens). - FRENCH LESSONS I will adapt my lesson according to you so as to make French easy, pleasant and relaxing to learn. If you wanna improve your French (writing, grammar, speaking, reading), there`s no better way to learn it. For COMPLETE BEGINNERS you can take lessons in Survival French which will prepare you for a short trip to a foreign country or help you make contact with French speakers in your own community :) For people at a HIGHER LEVEL, I prepare the lesson based on your particular needs. These lessons are ideal for STUDENTS wishing to travel, with French speaking PARTNERS or SPOUSES, and those wishing to pass a particular French EXAMINATION, or for your pleasure, of course! IDEAL FOR : - Training for VCE exam - Training for DELF (Diplome d`études aux langues françaises) - FRENCH CONVERSATION If you want to pratice your french, I am offering you one to one conversation, in the city in the victoria state library. Price: 30 per hour. - FRENCH CONVERSATION en groupe :) if you are interested to practice your french in a great and typical french place: you are welcome :) You can also meet people who like french language and culture: like you! Including a degustation of french patisseries ;) Every friday night from 7 to 8pm at Choukette in Brunswick. Lots of chat :) Don't be me! Price: 15 dollars
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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