Mastodon Nachhilfe Maths, English, Science PL48E Plymouth, PGCE, BA(Hons), Plymouth Maths, Maths Nachhilfe in Plymouth : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Maths Plymouth

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 44865 Plymouth in Ohio | 48170 Plymouth in Michigan | 46563 Plymouth in Indiana | 53073 Plymouth in Wisconsin | 18651 Plymouth in Pennsylvania | 27962 Plymouth in North Carolina | 13832 Plymouth in New York | 62367 Plymouth in Illinois | 06782 Plymouth in Connecticut | 50464 Plymouth in Iowa | 05056 Plymouth in Vermont | 32768 Plymouth in Florida | 03264 Plymouth in New Hampshire | 02361 Plymouth in Massachusetts | 02362 Plymouth in Massachusetts | 02360 Plymouth in Massachusetts | 68424 Plymouth in Nebraska | 04969 Plymouth in Maine | 84330 Plymouth in Utah | 99346 Plymouth in Washington
Suche: Maths in Plymouth  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Plymouth

Nachhilfe Maths To GCSE

ID 31300
aus PL48E Plymouth
Maths, English, Science
PGCE, BA(Hons)
I am a friendly, approachable and experienced teacher with an excelelnt academic background. I have four years\' teaching experience in Primary Schools, working across both Key Stages. I have worked in several very challenging schools in Central London. Prior to entering teacher training, I worked for a large corporate for 4 years, delivering internal training. I have high expectations of my tutees/pupils. I like to spend some time identifying my tutee\'s key areas of concern, then create a personalised plan for their deveopment. I draw on National Strategies and a range of educational resources to meet individual needs and learning styles. I like to involve parents with their child\'s learning, and ensure that individually tailored planning and target setting complements learning in school.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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