Mastodon Nachhilfe Maths, ICT, Computing Liverpool, Masters in Teaching & Learning Liverpool Hope PGCE Secondary Education LJMU BSc Computer Information, Liverpool : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Liverpool

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 17045 Liverpool in Pennsylvania | 61543 Liverpool in Illinois | 13089 Liverpool in New York | 13090 Liverpool in New York | 13088 Liverpool in New York | 77577 Liverpool in Texas | 54720 Liverpool in México | L1 Liverpool in England | L2 Liverpool in England | L3 Liverpool in England | L5 Liverpool in England | L6 Liverpool in England | L67 Liverpool in England | L7 Liverpool in England | L70 Liverpool in England | L71 Liverpool in England | L73 Liverpool in England | L74 Liverpool in England | L75 Liverpool in England | L8 Liverpool in England
Suche: Liverpool  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Liverpool

Nachhilfe in Maths, ICT, Computing

ID 32949
aus Liverpool
Maths, ICT, Computing
Masters in Teaching & Learning Liverpool Hope PGCE Secondary Education LJMU BSc Computer Information Systems University of Liverpool
Maths upto GCSE, ICT & Computing upto A-level
Diligent young qualified teachers from local grammar school providing confidence with Ofsted rated 'Outstanding' teaching techniques to develop Maths skills. Ideal for exam preparation at GCSE level or lifelong learning. Tutoring takes place in the comfort of students own home, and can be integrated with current school lessons or develop our own learning objectives. %u2022 Identify students strengths and weaknesses %u2022 Build confidence %u2022 Exam preparation %u2022 Past papers %u2022 Excellent knowledge of all exam board curricula%u2019s %u2022 CRB, Reference & Qualifications available on request
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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