Mastodon Online Nachhilfe Financial Accounting, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Rechnungslegung, International Accounting 10963 Berlin, Financial Accounting : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Financial Accounting

Suche: Financial Accounting   (1 Ergebnis)   


Nachhilfe in Financial Accounting, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Rechnungslegung, International Accounting

ID 302535
aus 10963 Berlin
Financial Accounting, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Rechnungslegung, International Accounting
Master of Science
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Tutor/ Coach/ Nachhilfe gesucht Wirtschaftswissenschaften Rechnungslegung Master of Science Preis VHB Suche Nachhilfe & Tutoring bis August in Berlin in den Kursen Financial Reporting, International Accounting and Control und Managerial Economics. Definierte Themen aus den Kursen sind: Financial reporting and regulation Accounting and accountants Accounting concepts and the balance sheet equation Accrual accounting Non-current assets and depreciation Refining the accounting system Preparing financial statements Financial statement analysis I Statement of cash flows Classification of costs Product costs: materials, labor and overheads Capital investment appraisal --------- 1. Decision-making - relevant costs and revenues - pricing decisions and product-mix decisions - traditional cost allocation & activity based costing 2. Planning, control and performance measurement -budgeting -types of control (personnel, action and outcome control) -responsibility accounting (budgeting process, performance indicators, rewarding,…) -transfer pricing -non-financial performance measures -contingency theory and the design and use of management control systems 3. Cost management -life cycle costing, target costing, kaizen costing -activity based management -customer profitability analysis -supplier selection -cost of quality 4. Strategische management accounting -balanced scorecard -------- 1. Individual and market demand; 2. Elasticities; 3. Consumer and producer surplus; 4. Long-run and short-run Supply; 5. Market equilibrium in competitive markets; 6. The theory of production and costs; 7. Economic Efficiency; 8. Costs 9. Monopoly; 10. Game Theory (introduction); 11. Externalities; 12. Asymmetric Information
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